Fast Formulas, Mathematic Formulas, Mathematic Education.Abstract
This paper discusses differences in people's perspectives on the use of fast formulas in mathematics. Some people argue that the use of
fast formulas can increase student motivation in learning, and help students in examinations. Fast formulas can help students improve
their learning achievements. The fast formula is also very helpful for students in taking college entrance exams. For them the presence
of a fast formula is like a helping angel. However, some people argue otherwise. The fast formula is considered to damage the basic
concepts that have been built in the school. The fast formula is also seen to reduce the credibility of the teachers. The fast formula can
lead students if they are not careful in using it. Even a fast formula can obscure the quality of the results of the exam so that the exam
no longer reflects the true abilities of students. The existence of a formula can quickly become a stain in the education system. For them,
the existence of a fast formula is like a sweet-faced demon, but it is misleading. This paper examines the nature of the existence of the
fast formula, starting from the reason why the fast formula was created, how fast formula was obtained, how the nature of the fast
formula, and how fast formula should be used so that it can contribute to improving the quality of mathematics education. Thus the
community will look at the fast formula from the right perspective so that it can take its positive benefits and avoid the adverse effects
that might result from it.
fast formulas can increase student motivation in learning, and help students in examinations. Fast formulas can help students improve
their learning achievements. The fast formula is also very helpful for students in taking college entrance exams. For them the presence
of a fast formula is like a helping angel. However, some people argue otherwise. The fast formula is considered to damage the basic
concepts that have been built in the school. The fast formula is also seen to reduce the credibility of the teachers. The fast formula can
lead students if they are not careful in using it. Even a fast formula can obscure the quality of the results of the exam so that the exam
no longer reflects the true abilities of students. The existence of a formula can quickly become a stain in the education system. For them,
the existence of a fast formula is like a sweet-faced demon, but it is misleading. This paper examines the nature of the existence of the
fast formula, starting from the reason why the fast formula was created, how fast formula was obtained, how the nature of the fast
formula, and how fast formula should be used so that it can contribute to improving the quality of mathematics education. Thus the
community will look at the fast formula from the right perspective so that it can take its positive benefits and avoid the adverse effects
that might result from it.
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