
  • Hendra Nugraha SMP Negeri 1 Pagaden, Kabupaten Subang, Indonesia



Learning achievement, STAD, Kahoot


The development of technology and information that is always updated all the time has shifted the role of teachers as a source
of information and its central position. Students today can gain knowledge from diverse sources, one of them from the internet
media. The phenomenon that rampant among students is the use of social networks that often make students addicted and
ignore their main task as a student of learning activities. The condition is a challenge for teachers to be able to take advantage
of advances in technology and information to attract interest in learning, encourage student activity and creativity. One of the
steps that have been taken to address the challenge can be found in a classroom action research conducted by the author
himself entitled "Improving Understanding of Students of SMP Negeri 1 Pagaden Class VIII with Kahoot gamification".


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