Pembelajaran Berbasis Universal Design For Learning Di Kelas Sekolah Dasar InklusifUniversal Design For Learning Based Learning In Inclusive Elementary School Class
study uses a qualitative approach with library research methods to be able to produce a product in the form of a learning guide book based on universal design for learning. Sources of data in this study are books and journals related to this research. The data collection technique used is literature study, namely by solving problems by tracing previous sources or writings, namely books, journals, magazines and others, and this research is then validated by related practitioners and academics. The results of this study were to produce a product
in the form of a learning guide book based on universal design for learning for teachers in inclusive primary school classes, with validation stages by experts and academics involved in the discussion of the research. This means that the learning guide will be suitable for use by teachers to be applied in inclusive primary schools, because it has gone through the stages or considerations of related academic experts
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