About the Journal

About the Journal

Jurnal Hukum Media Justitia Nusantara is a journal that intends to publish most quality research papers in the fields of law or criminology and social justice studies. The journal is keen to present relative overview of law, system-wide trends and problems on law, crime and justice throughout the world. Journal provides a medium for social scientists to report research findings with respect to crime and justice through innovative and advanced methodologies.

The Journal encourages in submission of articles, research notes, and commentaries and also invites papers based on empirical research, theoretical analysis and debate, and policy analysis and critique that centre on crime and broadly defined justice-related topics in an international perspective.

Journal title Justitia Nusantara Media Law Journal
Abbreviation MJN
DOI Prefix

https//doi.org/10.30999 |

Frequency Published twice a year (February and September)
Print ISSN 2085 - 8884
Online ISSN 2829 - 5889
Editor-in-chief Dr. Sukendar, SH, MH - Dr. Asep Sapsudin, SH, MH
Managing Editor Moch. Irwan Hermanto, S.Kom., M.Kom
Publisher Postgraduate Legal Studies
Citation Analysis Google Scholar, ROAD 


Certificate Acreditation

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