REPOSITORY UNINUS 2021-02-18T07:12:50-06:00 Open Journal Systems Kumpulan naskah akademik seluruh dosen Universitas Islam Nusantara Manajemen Mutu Pembelajaran PAI 2021-02-18T07:12:36-06:00 Suhendra Yusuf [email protected] <p>The problem of this study is the low quality of Islamic Religious Education learning. Skillful focus is the weak ability of the teacher in conducting learning management. The purpose of this study is to explore the advantages of implementing learning management. The method used is the case study. The results showed that the management of the quality of learning (1) Quality-oriented, indicated by the existence of reliability teacher, responsiveness, asurance, empathy and availability of learning facilities; (2) Maintaining relationships with customers through graduate quality, service quality, product innovation and the image of the institution; (3) honest, trustworthy, communicative and intelligent leadership of school principals and teachers; (4) Continuous improvement in learning through the Plan, Do, Check, Action (PDCA); (5) Team collaboration in learning is carried out by Islamic Religious Education teachers with students, homeroom teachers, other subject teachers, vice principal, extracurricular coaches/ trainers, graduated, local government and also the community; (6) Changes in culture in the form of a culture of discussing exploring religious values, polite attitude in interacting with the environment, consistent in virtuous deeds, responsibility at work, enthusiasm in increasing competence.</p> 2021-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 REPOSITORY UNINUS Manajemen Strategik Pendidikan Al Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan dalam Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa 2021-02-18T07:12:40-06:00 Suhendra Yusuf [email protected] <p>Strategic management is a model of organizational management that is considered effective in achieving goals. Strategic management has been used in the management of ideological education and character at Muhammadiyah University. But the output of character education in PTM is considered not effective in achieving goals. Therefore researchers want to reveal the reasons why the strategic management of AIK education (Al Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan) in PTM has not been effective?. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analytical study methods. The results showed that the strategic management of AIK education in PTM has not been effective in producing educational output in thought and spiritual movements due to the lack of development of AIK coordination and communication in the central organization and PTM. Conclusion: Effectiveness of strategic management of AIK education in PTM can be built if it has a fast, precise and systematic source of data and information. </p> 2021-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 REPOSITORY UNINUS Outlook Literasi Siswa Indonesia 2021-02-18T07:12:44-06:00 Suhendra Yusuf [email protected] Sebagai upaya memetakan standar pendidikan harus dibandingkan dengan pendidikan yang ada di negara lain. Keikutsertaaan Indonesia dalam PISA, PIRLS, dan TIMMS merupakan langkah strategis untuk mengetahui tingkat keberaksaraan anak bangsa. 2021-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 REPOSITORY UNINUS English Reading Literacy Of Secondary School Students In West Java According To Pisa And Pirls Model 2021-02-18T07:12:45-06:00 Suhendra Yusuf [email protected] <p>This research aims at examining and describing the student’s reading literacy test results following the principles of two international studies of PISA and PIRLS. The sample of this study involves 15 schools at Sumedang Regency and 518 students consisted of 256 males and 262 females, coming from both accredited public and private schools. The results show that the students are able to do this international model of test quite well with the average score of 62.065. The students from public schools obviously get better achievement (64.95) than those from private ones (59.18). This is due to the fact that there are some influencing factors from the students themselves, the teachers, and school quality as well as their school environments examined in this research. The research is expected to provide alternative test model based on international standards to improve the quality of English education in secondary schools in Indonesia.</p> 2021-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 REPOSITORY UNINUS Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi Menyongsong diberlakukannya UU BHP 2021-02-18T07:12:48-06:00 Suhendra Yusuf [email protected] Undang undan menuntup penerapan prinsip demokrasi, keadilan, desentralisasi dan penghormatan yang sama terhadap hak asasi maunisia dalam kehidupan berbangsa, bengeara dan kehidupan pendidikan bangsa Indonesia 2021-02-18T00:00:00-06:00 Copyright (c) 2021 REPOSITORY UNINUS