Pengaruh Iklan Webseries “Samsung: Move On Trip!” Terhadap Respon Khalayak


  • Annisa Nurfitriyana
  • Berlian Primadani Satria Putri



Online advertising was able to give a direct impact on consumers. As many as 79% take direct action after viewing online advertising. Not to be outdone, the YouTube channel of Samsung Indonesia glances at web series as a way to introduce its newest product, Galaxy J Pro by creating a web series “Samsung: Move On Trip!” To get responses from audiences. This study will be examined how far the response of the audience by using the AISAS model. This research uses quantitative methodology and survey method which is done by distributing questionnaires to samples that have been determined with nonprobability sampling technique. The results of this study indicate that the influence of the web advertisement advertisement “Samsung: Move On Trip!” To the audience response of 40,7%. So it
can be concluded, “Samsung: Move On Trip!” Web series advertisements can provide a positive response to audiences, especially the subscribers of YouTube Samsung Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Nurfitriyana, A., & Satria Putri, B. P. (2021). Pengaruh Iklan Webseries “Samsung: Move On Trip!” Terhadap Respon Khalayak. Media Nusantara, 17(1), 13–30.




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