Increasing the Visibility of Jayagiri Madani UMKM Products through Packaging Innovation and Web Digital Marketing:
For a country, economic growth is something that is very important. When a country's economy grows, the people's economy and national growth improve, poverty decreases. One way that the government can apply to carry out economic growth is by increasing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This Community Service activity was carried out at UMKM Jayagiri Lembang with the aim of increasing product competitiveness through packaging and product label innovation, as well as building a marketing website as a means for MSMEs to market their products. Implementation of this activity begins with analyzing the problems of MSME partners, planning solution activities, implementing activities consisting of installing MSME signs, improving packaging, designing labels containing product information, web development, as well as outreach and training activities. This community service activity is an activity funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture's DRTPM for the 2024 fiscal year and is expected to increase the economic potential of Jayagiri Lembang village.