Promosi Wisata Pantai Desa Watorumbe
Promotion is an activity that influences consumers to choose and accept and become loyal customers of a product. Promotions are expected to be able to attract consumers and potential consumers to use a product, one of which is beach tourism. Beach tourism is one of the most popular tourist destinations and is always visited by tourists. To increase tourist attraction, a promotional strategy is needed that is able to attract prospective tourists, both local, national and foreign. The purpose of this service is to provide information related to several beach tourism promotion strategies in Watorumbe village, Central Buton Regency. The method used in this service is the socialization method which starts with a needs analysis, FGD stage, socialization and field activities in the form of cleaning beach tourist sites and installing information boards. From the results of the socialization carried out in Watorumbe Village, the target partners were able to understand several steps of the tourism promotion strategy, including promotion strategies, promotion of tourist villages through social media, sustainable promotion strategies, coastal tourism potential strategies, structuring tourist areas, promotion of regional excellence and cleaning of beach tourism. In addition, to keep the beach attractive, it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning by local residents