Analisis Ketersediaan Perabot Kerja dengan Pendekatan Ergonomi di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Arsip Kabupaten Bandung
Furniture, Ergonomics, Library Managers, Library UsersAbstract
Good furniture can certainly make users feel comfortable, safe, and free from any complaints or discomfort while carrying out activities. Therefore, there is a need for ergonomic furniture that can support the activities of library managers and library users. This research aims to determine the availability of furniture for library managers and users using the ENASE ergonomic approach at the Dinas Perpustakaan and Arsip of Bandung Regency. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The objects of this research are the furniture for library managers and library users, including work desks and chairs, as well as reading desks and chairs. The subjects of this research are three librarians, two library staff members, three library users, and head of library management division. The data collection methods used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis process in this research includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The validation of the research results is using members check. The results of the research show that the desks and chairs used by library managers and reading desks for library users available at the Dinas Perpustakaan and Arsip of Bandung Regency, can be considered ergonomic since they satisfy four out of the five aspects: effective, comfort, safety, and efficiency. However, the aspect of health remains unfulfilled due to ongoing complaints expressed by the library manager regarding the usage of the available work facilities, which do not meet the standards outlined in PERMENKES No. 48 of 2016. The health aspect is also not fully met for reading desks used by library users, as there are still complaints and discomfort experienced by users when using the furniture. However, Dinas Perpustakaan and Arsip of Bandung Regency has provided alternative options so users can adjust the furniture they will use.
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