
  • Tansah Rahmatullah


The student feedback and its measurement are important factors in quality improvement for quality management applications and student satisfaction. In fact, the student feedback on their experiences has emerged as one of the central pillars of the quality process. The purpose of this research is to gain an empirical understanding of students’ overall satisfaction with the Communication Faculty of Islamic Nusantara University (FIKOM-UNINUS) and to evaluate the influence of factors such as gender, year of study, the program of study, and the job status have on the results. We use the service quality model as a framework for the analysis and used five generic dimensions comprising tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy, and assurance. The 194 students took part in the study, and a survey questionnaire was the instrument used to collect the data. The multiple regression analysis is used to compare the results based on the student’s demographic factors. On average, the result shows that most students (72.2%) seem to be satisfied with their study experience. The lectures showed the highest satisfaction, followed by governance, staff, and the facilities as the lowest. Meanwhile, there were statistically significant differences in the level of satisfaction based on the program study and year of study.


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