
  • Taufik Hidayat
  • Asih Handayanti


Public services become an arena for interaction between the community and the government through the E-Samsat application as an effort to improve the quality of public services in Government Agencies which states that government officials must use telematics technology to create good governance. This study used qualitative research methods. The results of the study show the implementation of E-Samsat as a Form of Public Service in Paying Motor Vehicle Taxes at Samsat Rancaekek based on four supporting elements. Innovation makes it easier for people to pay motor vehicle taxes anywhere. Samsat Rancaekek uses conventional communication channels such as banners advertised on billboards to distributed brochures. In terms of space and time, with the E-Samsat application, there is no need to queue to pay motor vehicle taxes. The implementation of the obligation to pay PKB is made easier by the E-samsat innovation, with the intensity of socialization that often does not rule out the possibility that the public’s understanding of this system can meet expectations. In general, it can be concluded that the innovation of paying motorized vehicle taxes through E-Samsat can be said to have been running by using mainstream media such as Instagram and Whatsapp to socialize these programs to the public, but in its implementation there are still obstacles from its use due to the lack of public understanding of E-Samsat.


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