
  • Reza Marta Dimulya


The 2018 Asian Games sport event seemed to be a means of meeting for Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Indonesian Pencak Silat General Chair Prabowo Subianto. The two men are known for their rivalry because they are nominating themselves as candidates for President of Indonesia for the period 2019-2024. That make the atmosphere peaceful because Hanifan Yunadi Kusumah 2018 Asian Games participant Pencak Silat branch has managed to defeat the representatives of Vietnam Nguyenh Thai Lin spontaneously approached the VVIP stands with a red and white flag wrapped on his shoulders for his shoulder embraced Jokowi and Prabowo and the moment was enshrined by journalists, one of whom was a kumparan. The method used in this research is to use qualitative research methods with the Roland Barthes semiotic approach. Data collection techniques carried out by the author is to collect data from various sources, especially online media, books, journals and observing photos that are used as research material. The results of this study are that the first stage (denotative) in this photo shows the embrace between Jokowi and Prabowo signifying the existence of unity between the two rival factions and the presence of coolness during the continuation of the 2019 Presidential Election and the second stage (connotative) conditions in the political world it can vary hug is only a symbol to respect each other in front of the people, while at the mythical level, hugs actually have a sense of mutual love between one another and the absence of hostility.


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