
  • Anggi Maulana
  • Sutisna Sutisna


Garut Regency Government uses the Instagram account @pemkab_garut to publish the activities of the Garut Regency government. This activity is a form of public relations activity through communication technology-based communication media, but only to show their presence online. Therefore, this study aims to determine the media planning process for the content of messages in the @pemkab_garut Instagram account, to find out public feedback on information in the @pemkab_garut Instagram account, and to find out the evaluation of the @pemkab_garut Instagram content. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and literature study. The results showed that: 1. the information presented by the @pemkab_garut account to the public was not in accordance with the basic elements of a communication strategy, namely determining communication objectives, determining communication targets, determining the message to be conveyed. 2. The contents of the messages in the @pemkab_garut Instagram account are incomplete by using formal language which gives a stiff impression, so that it doesn’t attract the attention of its own followers, because it does not consider rational attractiveness, emotional appeal, and moral appeal. 3. The evaluation carried out by the @pemkab_garut account manager has not paid attention to the updating of information content, completeness of information content, clarity of information content, accuracy of information content, objectivity in content, and providing accountable information.


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Sumber lain:

Kurniasih, 2013., diakes 2 Mei 2020.

Windra Irawan. 2015. Jurnal Komunikasi Indonesia, Volume IV Nomor 1

April 2015.

php/interaksi-online/article/ download/.../20197) (diakes 2 Mei 2020).




