
  • Nina Surachman
  • Heri Kurniawan


The West Java Provincial Government through the West Java Education Office responded by issuing the Jabar Masagi Program, a curriculum oriented to character education adapted to local wisdom of each region through various media channels, ranging from conventional media to internet-based media. The purpose of this study was to determine the policy communication strategy of the “Jabar Masagi” program in order to improve character education. The specific purpose of this study was to determine the planning, management, and evaluation of the policy socialization of the West Java Masagi program by the West Java Education Office. This study uses a qualitative descriptive. The results showed that socializing the West Java Masagi program was carried out with a conscious, organized and continuous effort in order to choose the best alternative to achieve certain goals, namely the school community understood and implemented the West Java Masagi program, both in teaching and learning activities and in daily life. in the school environment and the outside environment, but its implementation has not been evenly distributed. The design and development of messages to support an effective communication process has been carried out well because the people of West Java, especially the education community, welcome the Jabar Masagi program. There is also an overlapping assignment or authority related to the main tasks and functions so that there is a communication gap and miscommunication that results in the communication process not going well.


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