Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru SMP Gemah Baleendah
Issues examined in this study is how the communication climate influence on teacher performance SMP Gemah Baleendah Bandung. This study is a census by using quantitative methods and the format of explanation. Variables examined the communication climate as independent variables and teacher performance as the dependent variable. Data obtained from questionnaires, interviews, observation, and literature. The results showed that the significance value 0.000 <0.05, which means there is a positive effect (very strong) and significant of communication climate on teacher performance, so the hypothesis is accepted. Communication climate created in the SMP Gemah Baleendah is high or conducive for their trust, joint decision-making, honesty, openness in communication down, listening in upward communication, as well as their purpose, high-performance well established between the principal and teachers or among teachers. Such conditions make teachers feel comfortable in performing daily duties so that the activities of the learning program planning, implementation of learning activities, and assessment of learning outcomes can be done well. It was concluded that a positive communication climate influence on teacher performance SMP Gemah Baleendah Bandung. Viewed communication climate positive and significant impact on teacher performance, it is recommended that all school community to maintain and improve organizational communication climate that is conducive it.
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