Analisa Pengendalian Kualitas Pada Industri Rumahan Makloon


  • Muhammad Syafaruddin Mahaputra Universitas Islam Nusantara


Quality control or quality control has long been recognized by experts, especially in the field of industry. The ideas that arise related to quality control that have emerged a lot, especially related to the development of the industry lined up, when Japan lost the war the Japanese industry was completely destroyed, then Dr. Edward Deming successfully taught quality control methods in Japanese society. At present good product quality is a criterion that must be met by all companies. With quality control, it is hoped that conditions will be created where the quality of a product will continue to increase in quality along with increasing market competition. To meet the intense competition conditions, the company must make every effort to make improvements related to product quality. With these improvements, it will ultimately reduce the costs that must be incurred by the company due to the product experiencing defects, and will also affect consumer trust in the company.

Author Biography

Muhammad Syafaruddin Mahaputra, Universitas Islam Nusantara

Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Universitas Islam Nusantara


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