Internalization of Social Care Values in the Regenaration of Political Parties


  • Angger Saloko Universitas Islam Nusantara



Party Recruitment, Internalization, Social Care.


The political party as a legal organization in carrying out the duties and functions of Government is an organization of hope society to channel the various aspirations of various interests in different segments of life. Society of Bandung District with a wide range of complexity and diversity of the problems of segmentation, composed of various religions, tribes, customs, is a challenge for political parties to demonstrate his credibility and capability that the political parties are able to answer the challenges through a variety of programs for the benefit of constituents. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive study method approach, with its problems of subject: 1) problems of social care society character of Bandung District and 2) integrating social care recruitment in the character of The Prosperous Justice Party. As for the final conclusions of the research that the emergence of problems of society such as social disparity, floods, waste, congestion, discipline society Bandung District is derived from the same upstream social care character problems. The Prosperous Justice Party as a party that has a mision "Serving for the people" trying to tackle these problems by doing a recruitment plan tarbiyah, hopes the creation of the society who 1) faqih; literally meaning understood, means the public understand of the role as well as its contribution. 2) alim; learned society, so in her everyday activities based on real science and he understood, as well as 3) nafi'un; that is a useful in society.


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