The Impact of Scouting Coaching on Student Social Responsibility
Scouting, Social ResponsibilityAbstract
This research is motivated by the problem of planting character education. This is associated with several activities that lead to the formation of the moral attitude of every Indonesian citizen, especially students. The Scout Movement is an organization that is obliged by its condition in the school environment, because in its education it is patriotic, nationalistic, and humanistic. In social life, scouting education is very necessary, therefore we must know how the process of scouting coaching, the implementation of scouting coaching and how the impact of scouting coaching on the social responsibility of students. This study aims to determine the description of the development of scouting education carried out, the implementation of scouting coaching and the impact of scouting coaching. This research uses descriptive quantitative method with data collection tools in the form of questionnaires, interviews, observations, as well as population and samples. As for the population of the study were students at SMK Negeri 6 Bandung with the research sample, namely scout members. The results showed that scouting education had a very positive impact on the social responsibility of students. This is evidenced by the attitudes and behavior of students who are able to apply positive attitudes both in the family environment, school or in social life.References
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