Development of Civic Education Learning Activity Using a Smartphone Application


  • Angger Saloko Universitas Islam Nusantara
  • Ajeng Dwi Hartati SMK KP 1 Majalaya



Civic Education, Learning Activity, Smartphone.


The research was conducted to focus on the active learning of students, indicated by their participation in learning activities. The existence of the reality as above, it is necessary to innovate a learning strategy that is expected to be more effective and efficient as an alternative to learning, one of which is by using smartphones as a learning resource for students. The method used is a quasi-experimental method (quasi-experimental). The population is class X SMK Karya Pembangunan 1 Majalaya, totaling 370 students. In the research conducted, researchers used purposive sampling technique to determine the level or class of the study. The determination was purposive, namely class X-TPM 3 and class X-TPM 4. With the number of students in class X-TPM 3 as many as 38 people and class X-TPM 4 as many as 42 people. The research instruments used were: 1) test; 2) Questionnaire; 3) Observation. As for the results of the research, it can be seen that the use of smartphone media as a learning resource has an influence on the learning activeness of students by 24.5%, while the remaining 75.5% changes in learning effectiveness are influenced by other variables not studied.


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