This study investigated the role of ICTs in the operational management of Rural Bank (BPR) using a qualitative descriptive research design, involving the interview of operational staffs of four selected BPR in Bandung City. Findings revealed that ICTs have indeed contributed a lot in improving the functioning of all departments of the BPR as marketing, operations, finance customer services, etc. The benefits gained by the various banks after the implementation of ICTs include better online and offline support for their customers, increasing in saving, reduction of queues in the banking halls, and very interactive websites. There are however, many departments and other functional areas where ICTs have not been fully utilized. Moreover, many BPR have not fully adopted and applied ICT to all functional areas. The study recommends that these can be resolved through proper training, i.e. the provision of ICT related training to staff with respect to the operational management of the BPR as well as exploration of the importance of the recruitment of external consultants who are specialized in their respective fields to render solid supports.References
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