
  • Yulianita Rahayu Fakultas Ekonomi
  • Indri Ferdiani Suarna


As Southeast Asia’s largest economy, with a a population of 250 million and rising incomes, analysts predict that Indonesia will emerge to become one of the top five markets for cosmetics in the next 10 to 15 years. Since the cosmetics market in Indonesia is highly competitive, the creation of a strong brand through brand awereness is an important strategy to maintain a competitive advantage. This study presents a global picture of the brand awareness dimensions and how they interact within the context of Herborist brands in Bandung City. A total of 458 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method. The findings conclude that, as new comer, the Herbosrist brand awareness is categorized as relatively high. However, the Herborist should concentrate their efforts primarily on perceived quality and brand loyalty, which have high importance and directly in the construct of brand equity.


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