Sikap Konsumen Mahasiswa Terhadap Beberapa Merek Wafer di Kota Bandung
This research is aimed to analyze the relationship between components of consumer’s attitude (cognitive, affective & behavioral) toward wafer biscuits. A total of 822 respondents were selected by a systematic random sampling method and characteristics by gender, ages, and the frequency of eating wafer biscuits. The data were gathered using a questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The data were statistically analyzed using the Chi-Square and Contingency Coefficient. The result shows that there is associative consistency between consumer’s cognitive, affective and behavior. The brands attribute had associated with consumers affective toward wafer biscuit. Positive emotions toward wafer biscuit had associated with, willing to recommend it to another, and consumers willing to recommend having associated with consumer effort to find the wafer brand that its preference. The wafer biscuit producer has to more attention on tastes and halal component because it's has strong relationship of consumer intent to repurchase.
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